That Time a Strange Got into My Car at a Stop Sign
Not for an Uber ride either!
One day, I was driving through town, and I stopped at a stop sign. A woman came up to my window and asked for money, and I told her I could get her whatever at the grocery store. She took that as an opportunity to get into my car.
Honestly, I was scared because who does that? I didn’t know what to do. I was going one direction, and she asked me to stop at CVS down the street.
We got some stuff like diapers and baby formula, and incredibly got back into my car.
She kept asking me to take her to the next stop sign, but then it was always one more street.
Before I knew it, she was trying to get me to take her to a sketchy part of town I had never been to, so I stopped the car.
I asked her to get out, and she could walk the last bit to get where she was going.
I don’t remember how much I spent on groceries, probably $40 or so, and I really don’t know why she wanted what seemed like a random assortment of things considering she was older and clearly didn’t have babies unless they were someone else’s.
But I made it out alive, and since then, I just don’t stop for people asking for stuff and keep my doors locked at stop signs.
For reference, it is wild to get into a stranger’s car randomly, but I guess it is equally wild to not set a boundary and tell someone to get out.