Farewell BoJack Horseman!
I thoroughly enjoyed your character, story, and universe.
I watched the series finale today (two months ago when I first wrote this), and it was very satisfying. I have the habit of watching the first episode of a series after finishing the last to see how the story evolved.
Funny enough, the first and last episode have Bo Jack eating cotton candy at a party.
BoJack is trying to write his memoir with this delusion of grandeur because he is afraid of the reality that he is a washed up, selfish person. What is not revealed until the final season is that everyone else is having a similar struggle unseen.
The last episode ends with BoJack coming to the best terms he can with dealing with life on life’s terms as have the rest of the characters.
The first episode was hilarious and light weight, while the last episode was almost like an epilogue. He almost died in the episode before where he had a dinner party with a bunch of people that were dead. This is juxtaposed to the last episode where he has a heart warming interaction with the main characters from the first episode.
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Collection of Espresso Articles
A Collection of Work and School Stories
A Summary of the Staccato Lifestyle
Measuring Coffee Grind Distribution
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